My name is Anton Sergeyev. I’m a software engineer from Kazakhstan, working for Kolesa Group internet company.
I love tinkering with and learning about web services, distributed systems, databases, and finding out how things work under the hood. As a development team leader, I strive to improve engineering culture and refine software development processes.
You can contact me on telegram, github, or linkedin.
Some of my works:
- LongShoT: long-range synchronization of time - a research I co-authored during my masters at CMU on time synchronization for LoRaWAN, an IoT communication protocol
- Scylla-octopus - a backup and maintenance utility for scylladb we developed at Kolesa Group
- Go под капотом (in Russian) - a talk on the mechanics of Go scheduler
- В едином такте, Что умеет интернет вещей? (in Russian) - my articles for Oyla, a popular science magazine for the youth